Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Importance of Being Important

It would seem strange that in my very first post I would openly admit the regret I feel for becoming an official blogger. You see, from my perspective the people who blog are those who feel that their life or opinion is so valued that everyone in the world can have access to it. I think I can produce a relevant though every once in a blue moon but Jake Welch the blogger? Honestly, what do I have to say about life that could be worth while. I really do not feel like I am important enough to be the blogging type, but maybe someone will be inspired by my words. So come one, come all to hear the words of old man Welch.

Just a quick note to all of the educated out there. I have been known to be less than proficient with my grammar. I bet that didn't even make sense. Anyhow, please forgive me for any mistakes that are found in this blog. I didn't do much book learning as a child. Feel free to pass judgment.

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